DIY Frilly Scrunchie
You will need:
Light weight woven fabric
Lace or trims
Matching thread
0.5cm - 1cm wide elastic
Iron & ironing board
Sewing machine
Sewing scissors
Safety pin
Let’s make it:
Step 2:
Skip this step if you are only using lace and trims. If you are adding a fabric ruffle, fold it in half with right sides together and sew the short end together with a 1cm seam allowance. Press the seam allowance open. Fold the loop in half with the wrong sides facing and press. Now, it's time to gather the loop. Turn your machine to its longest stitch length and loosest tension, then sew a straight stitch 5mm away from the raw edge. When you reach the end of the loop (and get back to where you started), pick up your presser foot and needle and then pull the loop away, leaving 5cm of thread as a tail. Repeat this step, sewing a straight stitch 1cm from the raw edge and leaving a 5cm tail of thread at the end. Gently pull either the spool threads OR the bobbin threads, and the loop will start to gather up and get smaller.
Step 3:
Mark a line 1cm from the raw edges on the wrong side of the scrunchie rectangle. Fold the edge to the line and press. Fold the scrunchie rectangle in half lengthways with wrong sides facing and press, making sure to line up the edges so its all even. These marks will help us in the following steps, so don't skip this step!
Step 4:
Fold the scrunchie rectangle in half with the right sides facing and match up the short edges. Sew along the short edge with a 1cm seam allowance. Press the seam allowance open. Fold the raw edges of the loop back to the line you marked in the previous step and press.
Step 7:
Pin the trim to one side of the scrunchie loop, lining up the edge with the hem you prepared in step 3. Stitch along the edge of the trim using a basting stitch to attach it to the scrunchie loop.
Step 8:
Fold the scrunchie loop over with the wrong sides together and pin it in place. Then, stitch along the edge of the scrunchie loop, sandwiching the trims. Leave a 2cm gap.
Here are some more frilly scrunchies I made for inspiration: